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Polo for peace

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We had a number of reasons to display our stall in this event; our goals were as follows:

  • Attract children and youth through different activities like giving away gifts and conducting interactive quizzes.
  • Make friends of SHF
  • Give away Sitara Hilal brochures and leaflets to the general public to help spread our morale
  • Get feedback from the audience

Highlights of the event

The event day was an overall success since we were able to achieve all our objectives. A good number of audiences showed up at our stall throughout the day and we were able to give away all of our souvenirs, in fact later more families came asking whether we had more. The audience ranged from children to both middle-aged adults and they seemed equally happy and proud when they were told about the purpose of our foundation.

In addition to it, some specific adults looked genuinely intrigued by our work, they asked us details of what our foundation has done so far and aims to do in the future. They were then told to follow our official pages online to stay updated.

Our volunteers conducted interactive quiz sessions with the children present there and gave gifts to the winners which positively resulted in more crowd at our stall.

We also succeeded in making friends of SHF, at least 15 people willingly signed up for it.

We were also able to get well-written feedback which revealed what impression they had of us or what they wanted us to work on in the future.


October 27, 2019 12:00 am UTC+5
October 27, 3019 11:59 pm UTC+5
Event Category:


Sitara Hilal