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Iqbal Week 2020

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Sitara Hilal Foundation celebrated Iqbal Day on 9th November 2020 to pay tribute to legend Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal. due to the COVID, 19 situation SHF designed the programs in both ways online and on-campus at UMT. A special program will be held to shed light on the life of a legend, calling for following the philosophy of Iqbal.

Highlights of the events are mentioned below:

Day 1: Mr. Zabir Saeed a renowned #Journlist, Editor, and #Writer had Joined SHF through Zoom on Iqbal Day Special Program and highlights the Iqbal vision about youth   “اقبال اور آج کا نوجوان”.

The complete program has been uploaded on the #SHF #youtube channel

 Day 2: Mr. Iqbal Salahuddin (Grandson of Dr. Allama Iqbal) had Cheif guest of the program and explained Dr. Allama Iqbal’s concept of Khudi and youth and at the end of the program, he cuts the cake of Iqbal day.


Day 3: Sitara Hilal Foundation in collaboration with Initiative to Educate and CurePakistan – IECP organized an Interactive Session on Yom-e-Iqbal at the University of Management and Technology, Lahore and Mr. Qayyum Nizami was the keynote speaker and explained the Political Ideology of Iqbal.


A huge number of students and peoples has participated in the event. City 42 has covered the event.


November 9, 2020 12:00 am UTC+5
November 9, 2070 11:59 pm UTC+5
Event Category:


Sitara Hilal