Dr. Muhammad Iqbal and Palestine

- If the Jew claims the soil of Palestine,
- Why not the Arab Spain?
- – Allama Muhammad Iqbal
The recent chaos in Palestine is a link to the widespread barbarism of Israeli forces in hindsight. The claim of Jews on the land of Palestine is, and was, conspicuously based on erroneous facts and evidence. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the national poet and thinker of Pakistan, had a deep-rooted affection and empathy for the Muslims. A major part of his poetry is based on the spiritual awakening of the Muslims and succoring the bond of unity between Muslims.
In the same vein, when The Ottoman Empire fell to the imperialists; he said that his heartaches on the incident, and Muslims are aghast by the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire. At that time Jews were claiming that they are the people without land and garnering the sympathy of the west. Zionism was at its nth, but for Iqbal; Zionism was not even a religious ideology or movement. British had clandestinely pledged that they will give Jews, they claimed, the Promised Land without even asking the main stakeholder, i.e. The Palestinians.
Moreover, the Arab revolt against the imperialists kick-started in the 1930s and the British started suppressing them callously. It is widely accepted that one person’s freedom fighter is another person’s terrorist, similar was the scenario at that moment. For the British those fighters were terrorists and for Muslims they were heroes. At that moment, Allama Iqbal noted that the Palestinian question is agitating for the Muslims, and staggering Palestine in the hands of the British is an anguishing situation. He also noted that Britain has betrayed the Arabs because in retrospect they had ensured that the Arab land would be safe and an Arab confederation would be erected.
In addition to this, he was vociferous in corroborating the unity amongst Muslims. He notes, “All Muslims from the shores of the Nile to the sands of Kashgar/ Unite to protect the Kaaba.” On the question of Palestine, he claimed that he was even ready to get arrested or die for the Palestinian cause. The horrendous crime meted out by the nexus of Evil- Israel, and West, had left all the Muslims in devastation. He demanded to revoke the agreement that has had been signed with the Jews and re-enact the status of Palestine.
For him, the Palestinian conundrum was a Muslim issue instead of a political fiasco. For this purpose, he called out the Jews and told them that they Palestine willingly, hence they can’t claim to own this land. He went on to say that the influence of the, afoot, crisis would be intense and pervade the entire Muslim world. He underscored this problem by depicting his dismay through letters and saying that the problem of Palestine is the most important problem for the Muslims.
Furthermore, he called out all the Muslims to heed the concept of Khudi (self-awareness/awakening). By materializing this concept Muslims must stir themselves and make an inextricable and impenetrable bond. The unity of Muslims has remained the utmost priority of Allama Iqbal throughout his life. By only making this bond, Muslims can take back their lost esteem and vanquish the West. Allama Muhammad Iqbal is widely read by the Muslims and his work has been translated into major languages.
All in all, the writings of Allama Muhammad Iqbal are a worthy asset to read and follow in order to fathom the problem of Palestine, and where do the Muslims stand in this catastrophe. If Muslims are unable to make a robust bond in the face of the West, they can’t succeed on any ground. They will remain obsequious if they stood divided into the lines of nationality. According to Iqbal, Islam is a binding force and the ray of light that must be obeyed in the letter and spirit. Today when the Palestinians are going through indiscriminate violence, Iqbal’s teachings are magnum opus and motivation to give Muslim leaders a jolt so they can act and take actions against the atrocities.
(Meesam Javid ) is a student of Media Studies and studying on sports scholarship -National Taekwondo Player You may contact the writer at meesum145@gmail.com