Kashmir Webinar at Sitara Hilal Foundation UMT
Kashmir: Ground Reality, Indian Thinking, and International thinking”
The webinar was organized by Sitara Hilal Foundation. Participants speakers in Webinar were: Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai Secretary-general World Kashmir Awareness Forum, as a keynote speaker, Saiyyed Abdullah Gilani Official representative of Syed Ali Geelani, Mr. Ibrahim Hasan Murad President UMT/ SHF, Ghulam Mohiuddin Dewan President PTI Lahore, and Azad Kashmir’s Member Legislative Assembly (MLA), Professor Rahat Ul Ain, School of Governance and Society, Assistant professor Faqia Ibrahim, School of law and policy, UMT and Advocate High Court, Nasir Qadri Human Right Lawyer IOJK and Director of International Advocacy group Legal Forum for Kashmir and Sheikh Waleed Rasool Ph.D. Scholar and Director General at Institute of Multi-Track Dialogue, Development, and Diplomatic Studies. Ahmed Quraishi who is Executive Director YFK-International Kashmir Lobby Group assisted Webinar as moderator.
Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai has enlightened the issue of Kashmir: Ground Reality, Indian Thinking, and International Understanding. He appealed to Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Imran Khan to raise his voice in the international community that Kashmir and Kashmiri people should be given their right of self-determination according to UNO. Dr. Fai condemns the Indian parliament act of expansion of Kashmir into India. Dr. Fai quoted Martin Luther King quote “We (Kashmiri) will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends”.
Mr. Abdullah Gillani stated that Kashmiri diplomacy has failed to raise the awareness on the World forum that India is an occupying force. While the World response to Indian aggression of 5 Aug 2019 has been like it is India’s internal affair ignoring the UN resolutions on Kashmir. Security Council and World powers are completely ignoring the Indian brutalities on Kashmir freedom fighters.
Further Ph.D. Scholar Sheikh Waleed Rasool stated Kashmiri people are fighting for freedom from Indian occupation and it is not a mere struggle for civil rights.
Ghulam Mohiuddin Dewan President PTI Lahore and Azad Kashmir’s Member Legislative Assembly (MLA) said we should think about the Kashmiri people lives in the current grave circumstances which are very important because after the ceasefire in Kashmir, 2 or three Kashmiri’s die every day in Kashmir
Mr. Ibrahim Hasan Murad believes that the Kashmir issue will be resolved by the Young Generation who has the capability to think out of the box. The Kashmir problem has to be presented on the global Forums as Kashmiri youth is spread all over the Globe by demonstrations out in front of the international agencies to raise awareness against the Indian claims.
Full Video has uploaded on SHF YouTube